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House Athletics Day

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House Athletics Day


Monday 1 May


Knox Athletics Track


Students must be at school at 9:00am for learning mentor to ensure they catch the bus.

ALL students attending must get the bus to and from the venue. Students will not be allowed to get dropped off or picked up from the venue apart from in the case of an emergency.

The canteen will be open and available for student use.

Phones/headphones will not be allowed as per the Victorian government guidelines and if sighted will be have to be relinquished and placed in a lock box, to be collected on return to school at the end of the day.

We look forward to seeing everyone there in their house colours for a great day of competition.

1 May, 2023 9:00 am - 3:15 pm Knox Athletics Track Bunjil Way Knoxfield, 3180 Australia + Google Map Sport