High quality feedback for students
“What you do today, creates who you are tomorrow.”
The Behaviour Point Average (BPA)
At Rowville Secondary College, we believe in the power of teaching and nurturing explicit learning behaviours in our students, to help them become powerful learners. By setting high expectations and emphasising certain behaviours, we create a supportive atmosphere that helps students to thrive. In 2024, we launched an individual dashboard for each student that gives them high quality feedback on 6 learning behaviours that we believe are critical for their success – this is called the Behaviour Point Average (BPA).
Learning Behaviours
1. Attendance
Going to school every day is the single most important part of a child’s education. Students learn new things at school every day. Children who attend school every day and complete year 12 have: better health, better job opportunities and higher income across their lives. There is no safe number of days for missing school. Each day a student misses puts them behind.
2. Being on time to each class
Arriving on time to class ensures students do not miss out on important instructions and discussions that set the tone for the lesson’s learning activities. It also fosters a sense of responsibility and respect for others’ time. All of our lessons start with a “Do Now” activity. This is a short task that cues students into the lesson. Teachers then share the Learning Intentions and Success Criteria. This makes it clear to students what they are learning about and what they should know and be able to do by the end of the lesson. Powerful learners use this understanding to direct their efforts and measure their progress and success throughout the lesson.
3. Submitting Learning Tasks
The Rowville Secondary College Learning framework guides students through phases that include explicit teaching, guided practice and independent practice- “I do, we do, you do”.
Submitting learning tasks on time is essential for student’s progress as a part of the “you do” phase of the lesson. These tasks are carefully designed by teachers to consolidate their understanding of various concepts and promote independent learning. By meeting deadlines, students develop time management skills and a strong work ethic, which are integral to their academic success and is crucial as they enter the workplace.
4. Being ‘Ready to Learn’
It is important that students come to school prepared with necessary materials, a positive mindset, and a willingness to actively participate in class activities. By embracing a proactive approach to learning, students can maximise their educational opportunities and tap into their full potential.
Routines around locker use, organisational strategies, following the phone, uniform and other school policies support students to be powerful learners. Having well established ‘ready to learn’ routines builds self-confidence, social skills, self-control, communication skills and emotional resilience.
5. Being ‘Focussed on Learning’
Our primary goal is to support student learning. At Rowville Secondary College, we believe that the journey of learning and trying to improve is more important than the final destination. We ask students to start with what they know and can do, use written and verbal feedback to improve learning, make good choices and uses class time effectively. We are supporting students to reflect on how the small actions and decisions they make every day can have a huge impact on their on their outcomes- “What you do today, creates who you are tomorrow.”
6. Being a ‘Respectful Community Member’
We believe everyone can reach their full potential when they feel supported within their community. Schools and classrooms are busy and dynamic spaces where it is important to listen and take turns to speak, use polite, inclusive and appropriate language and work positively and productively with others using our school values as a guide to what is expected. By taking individual responsibility and treating others with respect, students play their part in building a kind, caring and positive environment that is inclusive of every member of our community.
Maestro Dashboard
We strongly believe that by incorporating these explicit learning behaviours into our students’ daily lives, we are setting them up for long-term success. However, we recognise that this cannot be achieved without the support and collaboration of parents.
The “Maestro Dashboard” allows students, parents and staff to easily access, understand and track these 6 learning behaviours.
The data on the dashboard is regularly updated from Compass records. Each fortnight teachers give students individual feedback on the “Ready to Learn”, “Focussed on Learning” and “Respectful Community Member” behaviours.
This results in a significant amount of explicit feedback that assists students to track their progress and reflect on the impact of any changes they make in these behaviours.
Students and parents receive a username and password.
Behaviour Point Averages (BPAs)
Each behaviour is averaged and presented on a scale of 1-5:
- Diamond “Influencer” Standard: Students at this level exhibit behaviours that influence and support a culture of high expectations.
- Platinum “Powerful Learner” Standard: Students at this level exhibit behaviours that exceed the minimum expected standards for success.
- Gold Standard: Students at this level exhibit behaviours that meet the minimum expected standards for success.
- Needs Support: Students at this level exhibit behaviours that are below the minimum expected standards for success.
- Needs Significant Support: Students at this level exhibit behaviours that are well below the minimum expected standards for success.
Celebration and Support
We continuously develop and refine strategies that recognise and celebrate student growth and success including:
- Letters of congratulations from the principal that students may use as references for employment
- Certificates presented at house and whole school assemblies
- Merits that can be cashed in for canteen vouchers
- End of semester report illustrating growth and progress
We provide support and intervene when required.
We know that all of us have skills, talents and passions that represent our individual strengths that we must use to reach our potential. We recognise and value diversity and inclusion. Our School Wide Positive Support Framework underpins the design of our supports, celebrations and interventions.
Parental/Guardian Support
Supporting the growth of learning behaviours in students is a collaborative effort that involves both parents and families. By working together, we can “Nurture strengths to grow curious and powerful learners”. By actively engaging in their children’s education and fostering these behaviours in daily life, families can greatly enhance their children’s learning experience.
Here are tips for parents and families to support our focus on “What you do today, creates who you are tomorrow.”