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Walton Wins House Swimming Carnival

Walton Wins House Swimming Carnival

In term 1, Rowville Secondary College held our House Swimming Carnival at the Monash Aquatic Centre. It was an awesome day for staff and students. Everyone dressed up in their house colours and there were many creative group costumes from our Year 12s and teachers....
Adventure at Year 7 Camp

Adventure at Year 7 Camp

Our annual Year 7 Camp took place in term 1 at ‘The Ranch’ in Cape Schanck. It was a jam-packed 3 days for our Year 7s with loads of activities including swimming, archery, movies, a night hike, flying fox, the big swing, rock climbing and team-based obstacle course...
Back to School: TOP 10 FAQs

Back to School: TOP 10 FAQs

top 10 frequently asked questions 1. My child did not get allocated the subject elective’s he/she wanted, who do I speak to about this? Please contact your child’s Learning Mentor directly through Compass via email. 2. Where do I get my school Uniform from? You can...
Zero Tolerance for Bullying

Zero Tolerance for Bullying

Bullying, No Way! We are proud to be a school that embraces the values of respect, responsibility, excellence and community. Over the years we have embedded many successful strategies for supporting a safe and inclusive environment at the school. We have a zero...