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Japan Sister School Trip

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2024 Japan Trip – An Unforgettable Adventure!

This September, 10 lucky Rowville Secondary College students, accompanied by Principal Ms. Kennedy, House Leader Ms. Williams, and Mr. Rodier, embarked on a thrilling two-week adventure to Japan. The trip has been nothing short of amazing, featuring a mix of sightseeing in Tokyo and Hiroshima, followed by a heartwarming visit to our sister school, Hatayama Junior High, where students enjoyed an authentic homestay experience. Below are the exciting highlights from their journey so far, with more updates to come!

Day 1 & Day 2: Tokyo Arrival & Exploration

After more than 15 hours of travel and a brief stopover in Singapore, our excited crew touched down at Haneda Airport in Tokyo. Despite the hot, humid weather, everyone was eager to dive right into the city’s energy. After a quick refresh at the hotel, they hit the bustling streets of Tokyo, exploring iconic sights like Asakusa Temple, the vibrant Shinjuku district, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building, and indulging in a delicious welcome dinner at Kakekomi Gyoza.

Day 2 was jam-packed with even more Tokyo wonders! Students hopped on local transport to visit the tranquil Meiji Shrine, the quirky Harajuku district, Yoyogi Park, Ueno Park and Museum, and the famous Shibuya crossing. The highlight of the day? An unforgettable visit to the mesmerising digital art world of teamLab, a truly one-of-a-kind experience!

Day 3, 4 & 5: Disneyland & Hiroshima Adventures

Day 3 brought the magic of Tokyo Disneyland, where our students spent the entire day and night braving the heat and enjoying thrilling rides and magical shows. The smiles and laughter were endless as everyone embraced the magic of Disney!

On Days 4 and 5, it was off to Hiroshima via the iconic Bullet Train (shinkansen), zooming past the stunning Japanese countryside and even catching a glimpse of the majestic Mt. Fuji! In Hiroshima, the group visited the profoundly moving Hiroshima Peace Park and Museum, followed by a trip to Miyajima Island, where they marvelled at the floating torii gate of Itsukushima Shrine and explored its beautiful temples, playful deer, and the breathtaking Mt. Misen ropeway.

Day 6 & 7: Homestay in Seto City

Day 6 saw our students and staff heading to Seto City, where they were warmly welcomed by the Principal of Hatayama Junior High School. Students met their homestay families, who would host them for the next six nights. The excitement continued on Day 7 as our students joined the local school for an 8:15am start, presenting a slice of ‘Australian culture’ to their Japanese peers – a fun and enriching experience for all!

Day 8 & 9: Elementary School Fun & Meeting the Mayor

Day 8 was packed with excitement as our students visited Nijinooka High and Elementary Schools, where they joined Grade 6 students in fun games and activities. The highlight? Each student gave their own Aussie-themed presentation to different classes, and they absolutely nailed it!

Day 9 was extra special, starting with an official visit to the Mayor of Seto City’s office. After that, the group explored a local museum before heading to Setogura Junior High School. The day wrapped up with a hands-on pottery class, where our students got creative and learned a bit of traditional Japanese craftsmanship!

More to Come!

The journey is far from over! Stay tuned for more updates and photos as our students continue their unforgettable homestay and school visit. This is truly a trip of a lifetime!