Institute of the Arts
Offering unique opportunities in the Arts
About Institute of the Arts
Rowville Institute of the Arts is a full time academic and arts program that caters for aspiring performing and visual artists. Established in 2008, located at our Eastern Campus the Institute of the Arts (RIA) offers a curriculum grounded in world’s best practice and caters for five Art Focus practices – Dance, Drama, Media, Music and Visual Arts. As well as engaging in a Broad Arts program, RIA students also study a range of core subjects that include Mathematics, English, Science, Humanities and Italian.
- Entry to RIA is by audition, see enrolment process information below.
- RIA students select one Arts Focus from Dance, Drama, Media, Music and Visual Arts and also participate in our Broad Arts subjects in year 7 to 10.
- RIA students must complete a VCE or VCE-VM senior pathway.
Why Choose RIA?
RIA offers opportunities for students who are passionate about the Arts to develop their skills and creative talents in their chosen Arts Focus and also learn a broad range of arts practices and styles.
Our students experience:
- Artists in Residence and workshops led by industry professionals
- Excursions and incursions
- An integrated curriculum that explores context, theory and practical approaches to arts immersion
- Authentic arts experiences, including regular performance opportunities and exhibitions
- Opportunities to explore their potential as an artist in the creative arts industry
- Learning and the creation and maintenance of individual digital portfolio.
Watch a day in the life of a ria student
RIA mission
Rowville Institute of the Arts is designed to provide unique opportunities for students who are passionate about the arts and driven by creativity. RIA is a strength-based educational program for students to nurture potential and develop talent and curiosity through authentic arts experiences. We focus on students’ interests and provide a breadth of opportunities in all areas of the arts, so that students’ awareness of themselves as artists and learners are enriched.
Facilities include a media studio, studio arts rooms, music practice suites, a music recording studio, a black box drama studio and the College’s 500-seat Performing Arts Centre which also houses our professional dance studios.
Friends of RIA is our productive partnerships between parents, staff, students and the broader arts community. We are committed to becoming the best Visual and Performing Arts school-based program in Victoria and our Friends of RIA help us achieve this. If you would like to become part of our Friends of RIA community please email us.
RIA vision
- Nourish imagination and creativity in its students.
- Increase student achievement in both specialism subjects and targeted subjects across the broader curriculum.
- Increase student motivation to learn.
- Support and develop the skills of teachers to work collaboratively and creatively.
- Encourage links between different learning areas.
- Explore the efficacy of the visual and performing arts as a delivery mechanism across the curriculum.
- Provide Individual Pathways and Individual Learning.
- Programs support learning through the utilisation of technology and flexible learning spaces.
- Promote peer mentoring.
- Improve the ethos of the school.
FIVE institute of the arts
Arts Focus
Students use and explore dance styles, dance elements and practices designed to develop technical skills, theoretical knowledge and an understanding of dance in context
The immersion program exposes students to a broad range of theatrical experiences, conventions and performance styles. Students explore theatre across time and culture and develop skills in characterisation, improvisation, expression, performance, interpretation of texts and script writing.
Media enables students to develop critical and creative abilities and mastery of media tools. The students develop audiovisual literacy through the exploration of radio production, mastery of Photoshop, the display of images, digital photography, animation and video production.
Music students develop expressive skills and the ability to convey feelings and thoughts artistically. An active contribution in curricula and extra-curricula ensembles, bands and choir promotes passion, creativity, self-discipline and confidence.
Visual Artists explore a variety of materials and art forms, the principles of design and the significance of art styles and artists over time. We encourage a spirit of experimentation and risk-taking that promotes creativity, innovation and independence.
- Once enrolled, interested families/students must submit an RSC Expression of Interest form.
- In order to be considered for admittance to RIA, students must undertake an audition to assess their suitability for this program.
- All candidates, regardless of Arts Focus, are assessed against the following criteria:
- A highly developed artistic ability in at least one field, either performing or visual arts
- A positive attitude and commitment to academic study
- A positive attitude and commitment to the development of skills in their chosen artistic field
- A strong desire to pursue their passion for the arts
- A high level of commitment and motivation in pursuit of personal success.
ria audition information
All Rowville Secondary College students wishing to be considered for a place at Rowville Institute of the Arts are required to take part in our audition process.
For information about the enrolment process, please complete an Expression of Interest.
For students wishing to apply for Year 7, 2026
- Please read through the 2025 RIA Application and Audition FAQ
- Please click here for the 2025 Audition Pack Year 7, 2026 (Please make sure you have read through the FAQ document before reading the Audition Pack)
- Please click here for a handy timeline of the RIA application process.
For students wishing to apply for Year 7 – 11, Semester 2 2025 or Year 8 – 12, 2026
- Please read through the 2025 RIA Application and Audition FAQ
- Please click here for the 2025 Audition Pack
- Applications for Semester 2, 2025 and 2026 commencement close on Friday 9 May.
School tours run Tuesdays at 9.30am, Humphreys Way, Rowville. You must book a school tour to attend. Tours operate during the school term.
RIA Information Night
Our Institute of the Arts Information Night is on Thursday 3 April, 7pm at our PAC: Book here.
RIA Taster Sessions
Students will take part in a 45-minute RIA specialism class of their choice (Dance, Drama, Media, Music or Visual Arts), conducted by our RIA teachers. This is a great way for the students to get a feel for the specialism/arts focus they’re interested in, as well as meet new friends and have fun!
Our Monday 17 March Taster Sessions are now full. If you are still interested in bringing your child to a Taster Session, please complete an Expression of Interest. We will be sending out information of a potential second taster session at the end of Term 1.

Institute of the arts Curriculum
1/3 of the curriculum is focused on Arts Specialism & Broad Arts and 2/3 core & elective subjects.
- The focus for teachers in the RIA program is to cultivate students’ creativity through promoting a curiosity in life and in work. Teachers challenge your child to push the boundaries of their thinking and engage in active experimentation with new and diverse mindsets and approaches.
- In Year 9 and 10, students will have the opportunity to select subject electives they are interested in.
- Year 11 and 12, students will select their senior pathway which is VCE and VCE-VM.
- Course selection takes place every year in July, early August, and our students entering Year 9 to Year 12 in the following year are counselled by our teachers and careers team.
- Visit our course selection website for more information.
- RSC offer our Year 10 students comprehensive one-on-one careers counselling, student and parent information sessions and the opportunity to attend careers expos. Our goal is to equip our students with everything they need to make the right decision about their senior pathway choice. We also have careers coordinators on both campuses.
Year level overview
Arts Specialism: 6 periods | Full Year
English: 6 periods | Full Year
Mathematics: 6 periods | Full Year
Italian: 4 periods | Full Year
Humanities: 6 periods | Semester – swaps with:
Science: 6 periods | Semester
RIA Broad Arts – Dance & Drama: 4 periods | Semester – swaps with:
RIA Broad Arts – Music: 4 periods | Semester
RIA Broad Arts – Media: 4 periods | Semester – swaps with:
RIA Broad Arts – Visual Arts: 4 periods | Semester
RIA Health & PE: 4 periods | Semester – swaps with:
Digital Technologies: 4 periods | Semester
Total of 40 periods per fortnight cycle.
Periods are 70 minutes.
Learning Mentor is 20 minutes.
Arts Specialism: 6 periods | Full Year
English: 6 periods | Full Year
Mathematics: 6 periods | Full Year
Italian: 4 periods | Full Year
RIA Health & PE: 4 periods | Full Year
Humanities: 6 periods | Semester – swaps with:
Science: 6 periods | Semester
RIA Broad Arts – Dance and Drama: 4 periods | Semester – swaps with:
RIA Broad Arts – Music: 4 periods |Semester
RIA Broad Arts – Media: 4 periods | Semester – swaps with:
RIA Broad Arts – Visual Arts: 4 periods |Semester
Total of 40 periods per fortnight cycle.
Periods are 70 minutes.
Learning Mentor is 20 minutes.
- English: 6 periods
- Maths: 6 periods
- Arts Specialism: 10 periods
- 4 x 4 period electives (two per semester)
Students must select at least one choice from each of humanities and science. May select LOTE as a year long elective.
- 2 x 6 period electives (one per semester)
Students must select from Health & PE and technology.
- Broad Arts (one per semester): 4 periods
Broad Arts 9/10 electives are offered on a 2-year rotation.
Choose two electives from 2D & 3D Art, Art in History, A Media Odyssey, Creative Audio Production, Dance Styles, Food as Art, History of Musical Theatre, Industry Collab, Music Performance, Musical Theatre, Screen Acting, Short Film Production and Theatrical Design.
Visit course selection for elective choices.
Total of 40 periods per fortnight cycle.
Periods are 70 minutes.
Learning Mentor is 20 minutes.
- English: 6 periods
- Maths*: 6 periods
- Arts Specialism: 10 periods
*Maths Selection: students will be required to select a mathematics based on their planned pathway and teacher recommendation (Foundation, General and Methods. Visit course selection for more information.)
- 4 x 4 period electives (two per semester)
Students must select from LOTE (year long), vocational (year long), humanities, science, technology and Health & PE.
- 2 x 6 period electives (one per semester)
Students choose from technology, Health & PE, VCE accelerated subjects.
- Broad Arts (one per semester): 4 periods
Broad Arts 9/10 electives are offered on a 2-year rotation.
Choose two electives from 2D & 3D Art, Art in History, A Media Odyssey, Creative Audio Production, Dance Styles, Food as Art, History of Musical Theatre, Industry Collab, Music Performance, Musical Theatre, Screen Acting, Short Film Production and Theatrical Design.
Visit course selection for elective choices.
Total of 40 periods per fortnight cycle.
Periods are 70 minutes.
Learning Mentor is 20 minutes.
- 3 elective subjects per year (this may include a VET)
- 1 compulsory RIA elective that aligns with the students enrolled specialism (eg a Media specialism student MUST choose VCE Media Units 1 and 2 during Year 11)
- 1 compulsory subject must be either English, English Language, Literature, or EAL (4 units must be completed over 2 year VCE, 2 of these units must Unit 3 and 4)
- Chosen RIA Specialism: 6 periods
- Total: 5 subjects plus Specialism
Visit course selection for elective choices.
- 1 compulsory subject must be either English, English Language, Literature, or EAL (4 units must be completed over 2 year VCE, 2 of these units must Unit 3 and 4)
- 1 compulsory RIA elective that aligns with the students enrolled specialism (eg a Media student MUST choose VCE Media Units 1 and 2 during Year 11)
- 1 compulsory subject must be either Foundation Math, General Math or Math Methods
- 1 compulsory Vocational subject (either Personal Development or Work Related Skills)
- 1 VET study in Year 11
- Chosen RIA Specialism: 6 periods
Over Year 11 and 12 this will include a combination of:
- 4 Units of either English, English Language, Literature, or EAL (2 of which must Unit 3 and 4)
- 4 units of a RIA elective subject
- 2 units of either VCE Foundation Math, –General/Further Math, or Math Methods
- 2 units of Personal Development
- 2 units of Work Related Skills
- A VET certificate (180 nominal hours at Cert II or above)
- 2 additional VCE or VM units of your choice.
Visit course selection for elective choices.
Total of 40 periods per fortnight cycle.
Periods are 70 minutes.
Learning Mentor is 20 minutes.
- 3 elective subjects per year (this may include a VET)
- 1 compulsory RIA elective that aligns with the students enrolled specialism (eg a Media specialism student MUST choose VCE Media Units 3 and 4 during Year 12)
- 1 compulsory subject must be either English, English Language, Literature, or EAL (4 units must be completed over 2 year VCE, 2 of these units must Unit 3 and 4)
- Chosen RIA Specialism: 6 periods
Visit course selection for elective choices.
- 1 compulsory subject must be either English, English Language, Literature, or EAL (4 units must be completed over 2 year VCE, 2 of these units must Unit 3 and 4)
- 1 compulsory RIA elective that aligns with the students enrolled specialism (eg a Media student MUST choose VCE Media Units 3 and 4 during Year 12)
- 1 compulsory Vocational subject (either Personal Development or Work Related Skills)
- 1 VET study in Year 12
VCE VM students complete 4 subjects and 1 VET study in Year 11, and 4 subjects and a 1 VET study in Year 12. This will include:
- 4 Units of either English, English Language, Literature, or EAL (2 of which must Unit 3 and 4)
- 4 units of a RIA elective subject
- 2 units of either VCE Foundation Math, –General/Further Math, or Math Methods
- 2 units of Personal Development
- 2 units of Work Related Skills
- A VET certificate (180 nominal hours at Cert II or above)
- 2 additional VCE or VM units of your choice.
Visit course selection for elective choices.
Total of 40 periods per fortnight cycle.
Periods are 70 minutes.
Learning Mentor is 20 minutes.
2 study periods.
“I feel that dance specialism has taught me to work my hardest, and in my future studies to persevere and try my best at all times. Working hard pays off and helps your dreams come true.”
“RIA has given me many qualities that are essential in life such as helping me build confidence and learning to work independently, as well as in a team. RIA is an accepting and non-judgmental program filled with genuine and encouraging people, which helps build the foundations for self-belief and to be who you want to become.”
“I really like that I get to do the normal subjects that you would expect at school but then I get to do a whole lot of what I am passionate about. It makes school more interesting and we are lucky to have really talented teachers to help us.”

RIA alumni
Here are some career pathways of graduated RIA students:
- Miranda Millen: Artist, Class of 2012 (Visual Arts).
- Lauren Turner: working at Moulin Rouge, Paris (Dance).
- Meg Dunn: Actor and co-founder of the theatre company ‘Breath and Bones’. Performing at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. Class of 2016 (Drama).
- Molly Foster-Little: Musician, just released her debut single. Class of 2017 (Music).
- Brooke Macrae: currently in Harry Potter and the Cursed Child as an aerial artist. Class of 2017 (Dance).
- Bryce McGeehan: currently working as a Lighting Technician for a touring company in the UK. Class of 2015 (Media).
- Xander Soh: contemporary Dancer with Transit Dance. Class of 2018 (Dance).
- Tim Mason: currently working as a Magician and owner and founder of his own Magic School ‘Tim Mason Magic’. Class of 2018 (Drama).
- Bradley Beard: working at Universal Studios Singpore as an entertainer (Drama).
- Mitch Chapman: currently employed by FX Entertainment and is regularly hired as an entertainer for corporate and commercial events. Class of 2015 (Dance).